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Home > english-chinese > "the priest of the most high god" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "the priest of the most high god"


Related Translations:
priest priest:  牧师
priests:  祭师神父,祭司,教士
dissident priest:  反对派祭司
priest rapids:  普里斯特拉皮兹
priest lake:  普里斯特湖
priest ridden:  受僧侣之支配受神职者支配的在神职者之压制下
ordained priest:  受命牧师
priests councils:  天主教神父理事会
rune priest:  符文牧师文祭司
dark priest:  黑暗牧师
Example Sentences:
1.And melchizedek king of salem brought forth bread and wine : and he was the priest of the most high god
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